پذیرش اینترنتی


First name: Sasan

Last name: Niknam

Birth date: June 10th, 1967

Place Of Birth: Jahrom, Iran

Adress: khodadoust eye hospital,saatarkhan square,zargari street,shiraz ,Iran



Education :

2007 up to now : Senior cornea consultant, Dr. Khodadoust Eye Hospital, Shiraz, Iran

2006-2007: Observer Fellowship of cornea, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

2004-2006 : Director of research and instruction, Khodadoust Eye Hospital  Shiraz, Iran

2003 -2004:Private clinic practice

2002-2003:Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

Fellow ship of Cornea and Anterior Segment

1993-1997:Shiraz University, Medical School, Shiraz-Iran

Specialty in Ophthalmology, Graduated with the first (outstanding) rank in Iranian Board examination in 1997.

1985 – 1992:Shiraz University, Medical School,Shiraz-Iran

M.D. graduating as the third best student.

1981 – 1985:High school


Work Experiences :

2077 up to now: Senior cornea consultant, Dr Khodadoust Eye Hospital, Shiraz, Iran

2003 -2007: Eye consultant. Khodadoust Eye Hospital, Shiraz, Iran,

Also; Director of research and instruction.

2002-2003: Fellowship of cornea. Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran

1997- 2002 :-Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology in Fassa Medical School

  • More than 5000 phacoemulcification cataract surgery
  • More than 800 P.K (corneal transplantation) and 400 DALK (Deep anterior Lamellar keratoplasty)
  • More than 100 PLK and DSEK
  • More than 4000 refractive surgery (LASIK, LASEK, PRK, Phakic IOL.)

More than 300 phacotrabeculectomy, filtering surgery, deep


 Basic medical education and qualification :

1-“The comparison between Aqueous and Serum antibody titer in patients with ocular toxoplasmosis”, Presented in the Iranian Congress of Ophthalmology, Tehran, Dec. 2000.

2-“Effect of Ketotifen in patients with vernal Keratoconjunctivitis” Presented in the Iranian Congress of Ophthalmology, Tehran, Dec. 2000.

3- Topical Anesthetic Abuse. Presented in XXI congress of ESCRS, Munich, Germany,Sep 2003

4- Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, Melless’ manual dissection technique. Presented in XVth Iranian congress of ophthalmology. Dec  2005, Tehran, Iran.

5- Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, Melless’ viscodisection technique. Presented in XVth Iranian congress of ophthalmology.  Dec  2005, Tehran, Iran.

6- Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, Big bubble technique. Presented in XVth Iranian congress of ophthalmology. Dec  2005, Tehran, Iran

8- INTACS in treatment of keratoconus. Presented in XVth Iranian congress of ophthalmology. Dec 2005, Tehran, Iran.

9- Ferrara rings in treatment of keratoconus. Presented in XVth Iranian congress of ophthalmology. Dec , Tehran, Iran

10- Aberrometry, Anew guide to detect early keratoconus.Presented in XXIII ASCRS meeting in San Diego, CA,2007